'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Kl.' in etui by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'Fritz Zimmermann'
This is a very attractive - albeit minimally worn- ie. used! - example of an: 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: Iron Cross 1st class) being being a clearly maker- (ie. '6.'-) marked example as was with certainty produced by the desirable maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Fritz Zimmermann' ('Hersteller 6.') and that comes stored in its original, simulated leather-based- (non-maker-marked, 'generic-... read more
Pair of WH (LW) NCO-type shoulderstraps: 'Fwbl. u. Zahnarzt der Sanitäts-Trpn.'
This is a truly very attractive - hardly used- and fully matching! - pair of neatly 'dual-cyphered', WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps as was piped in the desirable darker-blue- (ie. 'blauer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Feldwebel u. Zahnarzt der Sanitäts-Truppen' (or: airforce medical-sergeant ie. dentist and/or medical-orderly) and that comes in a... read more
Pair of general-officers'-pattern shoulderboards: 'Generaloberst'
This is a truly very attractive - fully matching and rarely encountered! - pair of WWI-period, general-officers'-pattern shoulderboards (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Generale') as was intended for - and clearly worn by - a general-officer holding the rank of: 'Generaloberst' and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. just moderately used and/or clearly tunic-removed-), condition. The neat shoulder... read more
Pair of WH (KM) officers'-type shoulderboards: 'Fregattenapitän und Arzt der KM'
This is a very attractive - just minimally used- and/or worn but fully matching! - WH (Kriegsmarine), fairly high-ranked and neatly 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard-pair that is constructed from darker-blue-coloured wool as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Fregattenapitän und Arzt der Kriegsmarine' (or: high-ranked naval-officer and medical doctor holding the comparable rank ... read more
Early- (ie. mid-war-) period, 'all-linnen'-based specific 'tropical-issue'-pattern WH 'A-Rahmen' (ie. 'Gefechts- or 'Sturmgepäck')
This is a truly attractive - hardly used and with certainty fairly scarcely seen! - I deem early- (ie. mid-war-) period- and 'all-linnen'-based, specific 'tropical-issue'-pattern, WH 'A-Rahmen' (ie. 'Gefechts- or 'Sturmgepäck' aka 'A-frame') that comes in a fully complete and/or totally untouched, condition. The frame comes naturally complete with all its linnen-based lashes, metal-based loops... read more
890.00 EUR
Waffen-SS-pattern, black-coloured M43-cap-insignia (ie. 'Mützenabzeichen') depicting an: 'Edelweiss'-flower as used by the various 'Gebirgsjäger'- (ie. mountain-troops-) related divisional-staff
This is a very attractive - and I deem simply never used! - example of a (typical) Waffen-SS-pattern, black-coloured- and/or (smooth) woolen-based, M43-cap-insignia (ie. 'Mützenabzeichen') depicting the famous: 'Edelweiss'-flower as was specifically used by the various 'SS-Gebirgsjäger'- (ie. mountain-troops-) related divisional-staff (such as those of the: 'Prinz Eugen'- ie. 'Skanderbeg'-SS-Di... read more
WH (Luftwaffe) 'Flugzeugführerabzeichen in Stoff' or: pilots'-badge) that is nicely machine-embroidered and being of the so-called: 'padded version'
This a truly very attractive - and actually not that easily ie. scarcely encountered! - 'Flugzeugführerabzeichen in Stoff' or: pilots'-badge) that is neatly machine-embroidered in multi-coloured- (and typical linnen-based-) thread and being of the neat, so-called: 'off-factory'-'padded version' and that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem issued and carefully tunic-removed-), condition. Thi... read more
Waffen-SS-pattern, machine-embroidered and black-coloured sleeve-insignia (ie. 'Ärmelraute') depicting a: 'Signalblitz' ('SS-Nachrichten-Trpn.')
This is a neat Waffen-SS-pattern, machine-embroidered and/or black-coloured sleeve-insignia (ie. 'Ärmelraute' ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') depicting a so-called: 'Signalblitz' as was specifically used and intended to signify membership within a: 'Waffen-SS Nachrichten'- (ie. signals) unit and that comes in an overall very nice (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-) condition. The piec... read more
Clearly tunic-removed, WH (Heeres) very-early- (ie. pre)-war-period- and/or greyish-coloured breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Uffz.')
This is an attractive - and truly used- and/or with certainty carefully tunic-removed! - WH (Heeres) very-early- ie. (pre-)war-period, greyish-coloured breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M35-pattern' (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern onto a bluisg-green-coloured background and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. obviously used- a... read more
Hand-embroidered WH (Heeres) 'Richtabzeichen für Artillerie-Richtkannoniere' (or: artillery gun-layers patch)
This is a very attractive - and I deem just moderately used and/or carefully tunic-removed! - example of a somewhat 'thicker-styled', so-called: WH (Heeres) 'Richtabzeichen für Artillerie-Richtkannoniere' (or: artillery gun-layers patch) as was executed in the neat hand-embroidered-pattern being an example that comes still in an overall very nice- (ie. moderately used- and/or carefully tunic-re... read more
Pair of WH (Luftwaffe) 'cyphered', EM-type shoulderstraps: 'Soldat des Flak-Artillerie-Abteilungs 73'
This is an attractive - and/or fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) neatly 'cyphered', enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as was piped in the bright-red- (ie. 'roter'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by a soldier who served within the: 'Flak-Artillerie Abteilungs 73' (or: anti-aircraft unit, numbered: '73') and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit moderately used and... read more
Black-toned, WH (Heeres o. Waffen-SS 'Panzer' ie. Kriegsmarine-related-) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold in Stoff' (ie. cloth-based DKiG or German Cross in gold)
This is a very attractive - clearly issued and/or once tunic-attached and actually scarcely found - example of a cloth-based version of a WH (Heeres o. Waffen-SS 'Panzer' ie. Kriegsmarine-related-) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold' (or DKiG ie. German Cross in gold) being a piece that was executed onto a black-coloured background that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit clearly used- and/or worn-), ... read more
WH (Heeres ie. LW etc.) 'tropical-issued': 'Koppelriemen'
This is an attractive - and I deem only minimally or even never used! - example of a WH (Heeres ie. Luftwaffe etc.) 'tropical-issued'- and/or entirely 'web-based' belt (ie. 'Koppelriemen') as was executed in greenish-tan-coloured and/or neatly woven linnen (ie. 'webbing') and having a linnen-based tongue, being a neat example that is approximately 100 cms. sized and that comes in an overall ver... read more
290.00 EUR
'N.S.D.A.P. - Parteiabzeichen' showing the makers'-designation: 'RzM' and/or: 'M1/25'
The attractive - and truly very nicely preserved! - N.S.D.A.P.-membership-lapel-pin (ie. 'N.S.D.A.P.-Parteiabzeichen') - which has been just moderately used ie. worn - has a very nicely preserved age-patina and has most certainly never been cleaned nor polished: it is showing just minimal wear but is totally void of any (enamel)damage (as can be seen on the pictures): just some regular wear ie.... read more
145.00 EUR
Pair of WH (Heeres) 'Infanterie'-related 'Schulterstück-Überschuben': 'Soldat des Landesschützen-Batalions 881'
This is an attractive - fully matching and with certainty scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) 'Infanterie o. Landesschützen'-related, so-called: regimental-shoulderstrap-'slip-ons' (ie. 'Schulterstück-Überschuben') as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Landesschützen-Batalions 881' and that comes in a wonderful- (and I deem simply never worn- nor used-), condition. The pair is neatly 'm... read more
60.00 EUR
WH (Luftwaffe) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold in Stoff' (ie. cloth-based DKiG or German Cross in gold)
This is a truly very attractive - I deem clearly issued and/or carefully tunic-removed! - example of a cloth version of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold in Stoff' (or: cloth-based DKiG ie. German Cross in gold) that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem just moderately used- ie. I deem tunic-removed-), condition. The piece - which is neatly hand-embroidered in various types of bullion... read more
845.00 EUR
WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen in Stoff' (or: cloth-based paratroopers' jump-badge) that is nicely machine-embroidered and being of the so-called: 'padded version'
This a truly very attractive - and actually not that easily ie. scarcely encountered! - WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen in Stoff' (or: cloth-based, paratroopers'-jump-badge) that is neatly machine-embroidered in multi-coloured- (and typical linnen-based-) thread and being of the neat, so-called: 'off-factory'-'padded version' and that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem issued a... read more
WH (Heeres) Panzer 'M43-pattern'-cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid or: 'Mützentrapez')
This is a very attractive example of a WH (Heeres) so-called: 'M43-pattern'-cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid or: 'Mützentrapez') as was specifically produced for usage on the black-coloured 'M-43'-model 'Panzer'-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen') as was executed onto a black-coloured background as was specifically produced for usage on the black-coloured, so-called: 'M-43'-model 'Panzer'-caps ... read more
325.00 EUR
Out-of-print 'Bender-Publishing'-reference-book entitled: 'Cloth insignia of the Waffen-SS' by John R. Angolia (being a first edition as was published in 1983)
This is a desirable - and actually not that easily encountered! - long-time out-of-print, so-called: 'Bender-Publishing'-reference-book entitled: 'Cloth insignia of the Waffen-SS' by John R. Angolia as was (first) published in 1983 and that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem just moderately used- ie. read- but undamaged and complete), condition. In my personal opinion is this neat - and tru... read more
'DRB'- (ie. 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-) related arm-eagle (ie. 'Ärmeladler'): 'RBD Wuppertal' (or: 'Wehrmacht-Reichsbahndirektion Wuppertal')
This is a neat - and 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'! - example of a linnen-based arm-eagle (ie. 'Ärmeladler') as executed in the so-called: 'BeVo'-weave-pattern as was specifically intended for usage by an official who served within the: 'Deutsche Reichsbahn' ie. the 'RBD Wuppertal' (or: 'Wehrmacht-Reichsbahndirektion Wuppertal') and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never used- ie. stil... read more
WH (Heeres) 'M43-pattern') cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid) for usage on the: 'M-43'-model field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen')
This is a neat example of the 'standard-issue'-type, WH (Heeres) so-called: 'M43-pattern'-cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid) as was specifically produced for usage on the so-called: 'M-43'-model field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen') and that comes in a simply never used- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-), condition. The piece is executed in the so-called: 'BeVo'-weave-pattern and was sim... read more
70.00 EUR
WH (Heeres) breast-eagle in 'BeVo'-weave-pattern
This is an attractive - and simply never used- nor worn! - example of a WH (Heeres) mid- (ie. early-) war-period- and/or greyish-coloured breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M41'- (ie. 'M43'-) pattern (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des Heeres') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern on a field-grey-coloured background and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. simpl... read more
70.00 EUR
WH (Heeres) breasteagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Manns. u. Uffz.')
This is a neat - and I deem never tunic-attached! - example of a later-war-pattern, WH (Heeres) breasteagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere') being of the 'last-ditch'- (ie. later-war-period-) and neatly machine-embroidered-pattern and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-), condition. These (somewhat roughly-embroidered) versions of the 's... read more
'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz'
The attractive - and typical magnetic! - black-class wound-badge (ie. 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') was (I deem) just moderately worn and or used: it comes in a truly very nicely preserved condition. Truly most of its original, black-coloured- (and/or: somewhat satin-like) finish has been nicely preserved and it is just a tiny bit 'dusty' and/or minimally stained (as can be seen of the pi... read more
'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' by: 'Friedrich Linden' (ie. 'F.L.L.')
This example is an attractive - and I deem only moderately used and/or worn - clearly maker- (ie. 'F.L.L.'-) marked award: it has a 'typical' catch- and/or hinge (-set-up) as is more often encountered with IABs by this particular maker. This specimen can be determined as a 'mid-war-period-variant' that can be attributed to the maker: 'Friedrich Linden' (ie. 'F.L.L.') as based in the town of Lüd... read more
Pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type shoulderboards: 'Lnt. des Nebelwerfer-Rgts. 54'
The very attractive - and actually scarcely found! - WH (Heeres) shoulderboards are typical, 'text-book'-examples of the Heeres'-type shoulderboards and have the silverish-grey- (ie. somewhat 'sub-dued'-type-) 'upperdecks': they were with certainty issued but I deem worn and do show some moderate age storage and/or staining but were (I deem) never worn (as can be seen on the pictures). The boar... read more
DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' or German Red Cross) nurses'-badge: 'Helferin'
The attractive - and just moderately used - TR-period membership-badge is made-out of silver-coloured 'Buntmetall' and has an immaculate enamelled surface (truly no damages whatsoever can be noticed as can be seen on the pictures). The badge is a clearly maker- (ie. 'H.A.'- or: 'Hermann Aurich'-) marked example that has - I deem - only moderately worn: it has never been cleaned nor polished (an... read more
'Reichssportabzeichen DRL in Bronze' by: 'Wernstein'
The attractive DRL-sports'-badge is of the version with swastika and truly retains all of its (somewhat darkened- and/or typical bronze-coloured-) finish. As stated above, is the badge nicely maker-marked: 'Wernstein - Jena' on its back (as can be seen on the pictures). Next to this, it also bears the 'D.R.G.M.'-marking and number as to be expected for a DRL-sports-badge. The sports-badge - whi... read more
'SA-Sportabzeichen in Bronze' by: 'Karl Hensler - Pforzheim'
The truly attractive - and I deem early- (ie. eventually pre-war-period-) - SA-sports'-badge is as stated nicely maker-marked on its back with the clearly present makers'-designation that reads: 'Karl Hensler - Pforzheim' and that also bears the usually encountered inscription: 'Eigentum d. SA-Sportabzeichen Hauptstelle' (as is visible on the back of the sword as more often). The badge - which ... read more
'Panzerkampf-Abzeichen in Bronze' by: 'Karl Würster'
This is an attractive - and most certainly issued- and/or moderately used - example of a later-war-pattern: 'Panzerkampf-Abzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class panzer-assault-badge ie. PAB) being a clearly maker- (ie. small 'W'-) marked, so-called: 'flat-back'- and/or somewhat golden-silvered-bronze, zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen as was produced by the: 'Karl Würster'-company and that ... read more
WH (LW) 'Erdkampfabzeichen' by: 'Rudolf Karneth'
This is a truly attractive - and I deem mid- (ie. later-) war-period produced and actually scarcely encountered! - typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Erdkampfabzeichen' (or: air-force, ground-combat war-badge) being a fairly luxuriously-styled and clearly maker- (ie. 'R.K'.-) marked that shows a typical 'triple-riveted' eagle-device originally- (and firmly!) att... read more
Pair of WH (Heeres) shoulderstraps: 'Fwbl. einer Sanitäts-Abtlgs. und Mitglied einer Ärtzlichen Akademie des Heeres'
This is a very attractive - matching and I deem only moderately used- ie. surely tunic-removed - pair of of WH (Heeres), neatly 'cyphered', so-called: 'M36 o. M40'-pattern NCO-type shoulderstraps having the darker-blue- (ie. 'blauer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Feldwebel einer Sanitäts-Abteilung und Mitglied einer Ärtzlichen Akademie des Heeres' (or: se... read more
WH (Lufwaffe) later-war-period- and/or printed armband (ie. 'Armbinde') entitled: 'Deutsche Luftwaffe'
This is a very attractive - and truly unusually seen! - WH (Lufwaffe) item: a later-war-period- and (as always) printed armband (ie. 'Armbinde') entitled: 'Deutsche Luftwaffe' being an example that was exclusively worn by German LW-pilots in order to identify them as such in case of an emergency-landing or alike and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit I deem just moderately used- and/or... read more
375.00 EUR
Two-pieced, WH (Heeres- o. KM-) related ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange'): 'WH-DA 4. Stufe' and Austrian 'Anschluss'-medal onto its specific 'button-hole'-set-up
This is an attractive - and nicely preserved! - example of a 2-pieced, WH (Heeres- o. KM-) related ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') that comes on its specific 'button-hole'-set-up showing respectively the ribbons for a: a: 'WH (Heeres o. KM) Dienstauszeichnung der 4. Stufe' (as was intended for 4 years of loyal-service) and that shows a detailed, eagle-device period-attached and a so-call... read more
30.00 EUR
HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'-) sports-badge (or: 'HJ-Leistungsrune') of the silver-class being a maker- (ie. 'RzM - M1/34'-) marked- and/or: 'Feinzink'-based specimen
The typical greyish-silverish-toned - and I deem hardly used- nor worn and detailed and/or pronounced! - HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'-) related sports-badge (or: 'HJ-Leistungsrune') is an example of the silver-class and is a nicely maker- (ie. 'RzM - M1/34'-) marked- and/or: zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen that comes in an overall very nice- (and I deem very nicely preserved-), condition. The... read more
Single, WH (Heeres) 'tropical' NCO-type shoulderstrap: 'Oberfeldwebel der Panzer-Truppen'
This is a truly very attractive - albeit regrettably single but nevertheless very rarely encountered! - (I deem) early-pattern, WH (Heeres) 'tropical' (ie. I deem truly DAK- or 'Deutsches Afrikakorps'-related!), NCO-type shoulderstrap as was piped in the neat bright-pink- (ie. 'rosaroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for - and with certainty worn by! - an: 'Oberfeldwebel... read more
'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a (typical) non-maker-marked example by a (by me) unidentified maker (ie. 'Hersteller')
The attractive piece - which was surely issued and that was once mounted - came together with its folded and/or confectioned, darker-red-toned (and approx. 18,5 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as issued and/or found. The cross - which is totally void of any makers'-designation - was with certainty never cleaned and has an untouched and/or attractive age-patina: it also retains a ... read more
'Deutsche Volkspflege'-medal being a non-maker-marked example
The tuly very attractive, (bright)silver-toned and (I deem) zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based so-called: 'Deutsche Volkspflege'- (ie. civil-service-) medal came together with its (non-confectioned- and truly full-length!) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') recently found. The award - that was never mounted - is a very detailed and/or pronounced example: it has a truly very nice and only minimally 'tarnis... read more
110.00 EUR
WH (Heeres o. KM) two-pieced medal-bar (ie.: 'Doppelspange') resp. showing a: 'WH-DA 4. Stufe' and an Austrian 'Anschluss'-medal
This is a very decorative - and with certainty not that easily found! - example of a two-pieced, WH (Heeres or: Kriegsmarine-related-) two-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange' or: 'Doppelspange') respectively showing a: 'WH (Heeres o. KM) Dienstauszeichnung der 4. Stufe' (as was intended for 4 years of loyal-service) and that shows a detailed, eagle-device period-attached and a so-called: Austri... read more
Pair of pre-war-period, WH (Heeres) 'M36' (ie. 'M40'-) type collar-patches (ie. 'Einheitskragenspiegel'): 'Soldat der (Sturm)Artillerie-Trpn.'
This is a neat - fully matching and most certainly not that easily found! - pair of (I deem) early-war period, WH (Heeres) 'M36' (ie. 'M40'-) type collar-patches (ie. 'Einheitskragenspiegel') as was piped in the bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der (Sturm)Artillerie-Truppen' (or: soldier ie. NCO who served within an army a... read more
Pair of later-war-period, so-called: 'M44'-pattern, 'simplified' WH (Heeres) EM-type shoulderstraps: 'Soldat der Panzer- o. Panzerjäger-Trpn.'
This is a very attractive - matching and actually quite scarcely encountered! - pair of typical later-war-period, so-called: 'M44'-pattern, 'simplified' WH (Heeres) enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as piped in the bright-pink- (ie. 'rosaroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der Panzer- o. Panzerjäger-Truppen' (or: simple soldier who served within ... read more
DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') civil-attire badge (ie. 'Zivilabzeichen des D.R.K.') being a detailed example that shows an: 'ELM'-makers'- and/or: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-designation
This is an attractive - and somewhat smaller-sized (ie. having an approximate height of 1,9 cms.) multi-coloured- and/or neatly enamelled so-called: DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') civil-attire badge (or: 'Zivilabzeichen des D.R.K.') being a very detailed example that shows an: 'ELM'-makers'- (and/or: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-) designation and that comes in an overall very nice- (and only ... read more
40.00 EUR
Later-war-period, WH (Heeres) officers'-pattern so-called: 'M44'-pattern- and/or: trapezoid-shaped breasteagle ie. 'Brustadler für Offiz. des Heeres'
This is an attractive - and actually not that often encountered! - example of a typical later-war-period, WH (Heeres) so-called: 'M44'-pattern- (and/or trapezoid-shaped) officers'-pattern breasteagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Offiziere des Heeres') being a darker-green-coloured example that is executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave (ie. 'flat-wire'-) pattern and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. I... read more
85.00 EUR
Single, WH (Heeres) early- (ie. mid-) war-period- (ie. 'M40- o. M43'-pattern) NCO-type shoulderstrap: 'Oberfwbl. der Panzer-Grenadier-Trpn.'
This is a truly attractive - albeit single but nevertheless fairly scarcely encountered! - WH (Heeres) (I deem) early- (ie. mid-)war period- (ie. 'M40- o. M43'-pattern) NCO-type shoulderstrap as was piped in the desirable bright-green- (ie. 'wiesengrüner'-) coloured branchcolour, as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Oberfeldwebel der Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' (ie. senior-NCO and serge... read more
120.00 EUR
Aluminium-based, WH (Heeres) ie. 'Pioniere- o. Bau-Truppen'-related ID-disc: '3/Pi.Ers.2'
This is a neat - albeit regrettably cleaned - example of a silverish-coloured- and/or typical aluminium-based, WH (Heeres) ie. 'Pioniere- o. Bau-Truppen'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') that is bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that simply reads: '3/Pi.Ers.2' (and as such being a disc that was I deem intended for a soldier or NCO who served within the: third company of an: 'E... read more
30.00 EUR
Single, WH (Heeres) early- (ie. mid-) war-period- (ie. 'M40- o. M43'-pattern) NCO-type shoulderstrap: 'Fwbl. der Panzer-Grenadier-Trpn.'
This is a truly attractive - albeit single but nevertheless fairly scarcely encountered! - WH (Heeres) (I deem) early- (ie. mid-)war period- (ie. 'M40- o. M43'-pattern) NCO-type shoulderstrap as was piped in the desirable bright-green- (ie. 'wiesengrüner'-) coloured branchcolour, as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Feldwebel der Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' (ie. NCO and sergeant who serv... read more
110.00 EUR
'NS-Frauenschaft'-membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') being a (typical) 3-cms.-sized example of the eight pattern that shows an: 'RzM M1/72'-designation
This particular enamelled 'NS-Frauenschaft'-membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') was intended to signify membership within the German Womens'-Association (or in German-language: 'NS-Frauenschaft'). The example on offer here is the regular-sized version of the series and measures approximately 3 cms. in height (as can be seen on the pictures). The badge comes in an overall very nice and -... read more
Pair of WH (Heeres) 'BeVo'-woven, EM/NCO-type collar-tabs (or: 'Einheitskragenspiegel'): 'Nachschub-Trpn.'
The neat - and 'all-linnen'-based- and/or fully matching! - WH (Heeres) collar-tabs (ie. 'Einheitskragenspiegel') are piped in the typical light-blue- (ie. 'hell- o. kornblumerblauer'-) coloured branchcolour (and are unusually, entirely executed in the so-called: 'BeVo-weave'-pattern!) and were as such intended for usage by all soldiers (ie. NCOs) serving within the army: 'Nachschub-Truppen' (o... read more
65.00 EUR
Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify (reservist) membership within the: 'Sturmabteilungen der N.S.D.A.P. - Reserve II' (ie. 'SAR')
This is an attractive - multi-coloured- and/or: nicely enamelled! - membership-lapel-pin (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') as was intended to signify (reservist) membership within the: 'Sturmabteilungen der N.S.D.A.P. - Reserve II' (ie. 'SAR') being a maker-marked- (ie. 'S in a circle'-marked-) example that additionally bears a: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back and that comes in an ... read more
Membership lapel-pin: 'Reichsnährstand' (or: 'RNSt') being maker- (ie. 'Deschler'-) marked example that is executed in multi-coloured, so-called: 'Buntmetall'
This is an attractive, membership lapel-pin (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') that signified membership within the: 'Reichsnährstand' (or: 'RNSt') being a very detailed- and neatly maker- (ie. 'Deschler - München'-) marked example that is executed in typical silverish- and/or golden-coloured, so-called: 'Buntmetall' and that comes in an overall nice- (and I deem only moderately used- ie. worn-), condi... read more