Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres) 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard as was specifically intended for - and used by! - an: 'Oberstleutnant des Panzer-Grenadier Regiments 77' Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres) 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard as was specifically intended for - and used by! - an: 'Oberstleutnant des Panzer-Grenadier Regiments 77' Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres) 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard as was specifically intended for - and used by! - an: 'Oberstleutnant des Panzer-Grenadier Regiments 77'

Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres) 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard as was specifically intended for - and used by! - an: 'Oberstleutnant des Panzer-Grenadier Regiments 77'

This is a neat - albeit regrettably single but nevertheless not that easily found! - WH (Heeres) 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard as was executed in the bright-green- (ie. 'wiesengrüner'-) coloured branchcolour, as was specifically intended for - and with certainty worn by! - an: 'Oberstleutnant des Panzer-Grenadier Regiments 77' (or: lieutnant-colonel who served in - ie. possibly commanded - the 'Panzer-Grenadier Regiment', numbered: '77' and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used ie. clearly tunic-removed-) condition. The board - which is executed in the 'smooth'-like- and/or bright-green-coloured wool measures approximately 10,5 cms. in length and has a fairly sub-dued- (ie. typical silver-greyish-coloured) 'upperdeck'. The board never had a tongue attached and was without doubt intended for usage as a board of the 'sew-in-type' and was clearly used as such. The board - that comes with a standard-pattern, pebbled-styled button attached - shows a matching pair of regular-sized, bright-golden-toned '7'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern') and a single (equally golden-toned- and regular-sized) pip period attached: all three devices are somewhat tarnished and/or stained but are still very nice and/or pronounced. This particular example originated from a larger cloth- ie. shoulder-strap-collection I recently acquired for the web-site. Simply an attractive, officers'-type, 'cyphered' shoulderboard that belonged to an: 'Oberstleutnant des Panzer-Grenadier Regiments 77': too bad it is only a single specimen!

Code: 52947

!! STOLEN !!